Monday, April 27, 2009

Menu Plan Monday - 4/27/09

Okay, I'm kinda throwing this up here and not really sure how the week is going to go. Sweet MIL is out of town again this week, so my typical grocery shopping on Monday night is probably not going to happen the "good" way: Monday night after work while she watches Monkey. I'm doing a little shopping during my lunch hour today and probably a little on the way to pick him up from school. If that doesn't work, it'll probably happen after Monkey goes down tonight. If that happens, Lord, help me with energy, please! Shopping at night never goes well. LOL! It's too close to after dinner snack time and I get impulsive. Can we say "four cartons of ice cream" please?

Monday - Baked potoatoes with steamed broccoli and cheese
Tuesday - Lunchmeat sandwiches
Wednesday - Tostadas
Thursday - Thai Lettuce Wraps (a new recipe I'm trying!)
Friday - Breakfast for dinner
Saturday - Polenta with red meat sauce

Wish me luck!

For more menu plans from savvy mommas, go visit Laura at

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